Winter Collection 2025

1-800-221-4671 | 7 6 | a. These plump, beautifully tanned 1¼" wide Scotch grain belts are made by Crockett & Jones to match their pebble grain shoes. The dark brown belt has a nickel buckle, and the tan belt has an antique brass buckle. Sizes 32–42. In A-tan or B-dark brown. Each Scotch grain belt, 9943…$225. b. Our small gingham check button down collar shirts are cut from the finest 2-ply 120s thread count Swiss cotton. Available in 736BD-blue on white or 737BD-a rich pink and white, in a full range of sizes. Each shirt…$265. c. Our Crockett & Jones loafers, ideal for inclement weather, have rubber soles that lend traction in winter weather conditions, and are available in either an unlined or a lined style. The unlined Harvard loafer in dark brown Scotch country grain leather features the “single city sole”, a Dainite rubber sole with a slimmer profile than the original Dainite sole. The lined Boston loafer in tan Scotch country grain leather has the original Dainite rubber studded sole, which is a bit heartier than the city sole. Shown left to right, with a clear view of the different soles. The Harvard unlined loafer in dark brown grain leather, 8366H...$690. The Boston lined loafer in tan grain leather, 8363...$680. a practical & luxurious …f ine cashmere polo sweaters b c Above and on Danny: Our cashmere polo style sweaters are knitted from the finest Scottish cashmere, exclusively for us by the renowned Hawico mill, in a plain weave with a set-in shoulder and turn back cuffs. Our newest version of one of our most versatile sweaters has a shorter collar, which will sit comfortably under a jacket for extra warmth when needed and look smart over a dress shirt. This season, we offer them in A-sea green; B-pale denim; C-mulberry; D-hazelnut. Sizes M–XXL. We show them with our blue and white gingham button down collar shirt in fine Swiss cotton. Danny wears the hazelnut color over our pink and white gingham button down shirt. Each sweater, HW126...$525. Shirt, 736BD-blue or 737BD-pink. Each shirt...$265.