1-800-221-4671 | 5 Blair wears this timeless and year ‘round 215 gram cashmere from the Joshua Ellis mill. It is impeccably cut in our signature 2-button style. The delicate blue deco of the glen plaid is a subtle highlight to the creamy ground. We propose our spread collar sky blue shirt with a thin white stripe, along with one of our English woven silk striped neckties with a vibrant bronze ground and gold stripes bordered in blue. Mid-grey gabardine trousers, cut from Italian Super 130s Merino wool are an ideal pairing. In the pocket, our linen and cotton pocket square. Above, we also suggest one of our Crockett & Jones Handgrade collection monk strap shoes in antique tan, and a feathered edge tan leather belt. Our elegant and classic round yellow gold wire frames from Lafont of Paris are a handsome addition. Jacket, 1019J…$1,765. Shirt, 9212…$225. Tie, W447-B…$165. Pocket Square, SGP2…$75. Trousers, plain front, HGBP2-C or forward pleat, HGB2-C…$395. Shoe, 9290…$995. Belt, 9942-D…$175. Eyeglass frames, LFAR-A…$525. distinguish yourself …in our lofty cashmere glen plaid jacket