Spring Collection 2024

The Ben Silver Corporation 149 King Street Charleston, SC 29401 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BEN SILVER CORPORATION STAY CONNECTED WITH US @BENSILVERCOLLECTION CALL: 1-800-221-4671 CLICK: WWW.BENSILVER.COM Scan To Shop From the finest mills …wool, silk and linen fabrics Four wonderful new sport coats for the season, shown top to bottom: a wool, silk and linen weave in tan, slate and cream glen plaid with sky blue overchecks, 615J…$1,165; a wool, silk and linen weave in an off white and soft blue/grey plaid with blue windowpanes, 361J…$1,165; a wool, silk and linen weave in a brown and cream glen plaid with a blue windowpane, 1011J…$1,275; a wool, linen and cashmere blend in a sage and cream glen plaid with a fire overcheck, 395J…$1,345.