d. Our traditional Black Watch pattern wool waistcoat will be a handsome addition to your wardrobe, equally polished on its own, or under a navy blazer. Even sizes 40–48 Regular. Shown with our white ground cotton button down shirt with a blue and navy check, and our Signature collection forest green necktie. Waistcoat, W366…$325. Shirt, 423…$265. Tie, W397-E…$165. Trousers, plain front, HGBP2-C or forward pleat, HGB2-C…$395. e. Our red lightweight wool waistcoat is a perfect expression of your festive sentiments. Enjoy it under a traditional blazer, and remain understated though colorful! Shown with a classic forest green ground repp silk tie with ruby red stripes. Waistcoat, HRFV…$325. Shirt, 690…$225. Tie, RT117-A...$165. Trousers, plain front, HGBP2-C or forward pleat, HGB2-C…$395. f. Enjoy these red Italian Super 120s flannel trousers with a sweater for a holiday event, or under a blazer and sport shirt. They are made in our old world workroom, cut in either plain front, HRPL or forward pleat, HRFP. Holiday red flannel pants…$325. Belt, TABD-B…$495. a. As shown on our cover also, our Scottish cashmere Lindsay tartan sport coat makes every day a festive event. The rich wine, tartan green and navy plaid is complemented handsomely with our tartan green solid necktie. The glen plaid spread collar shirt, with its understated pink windowpane, adds greater interest to the simplicity of the solid neckwear. In the pocket, our white engineered linen and cotton square folds neatly. As with all of our sport coats, impeccably cut in a two button elegant silhouette in a full range of sizes. Shown with our Italian woven and cut blue flannel trousers. Jacket, 4121J…$1,475. Shirt, 6912…$225. Tie, W397-E…$165. Pocket square, SGP2…$75. Trousers, forward pleat, HFL-C or plain front, HFLP-C…$395. b. Our exceptional pure silk Signature Collection solid color ties are available in five vibrant hues for the season: A-violet; B-teal.; C-French blue; D-navy; E-ruby red. Each tie, W443…$165. c. Italian woven 2-ply zephyr cotton shirts in a classic blue and white glen plaid, each with a contrasting windowpane. At left, 6911, shown with a yellow windowpane. At right, 6912, shown with a pink windowpane. Each shirt…$225. a b c d e f 4 | www.bensilver.com 1-800-221-4671 | 5 Above: Plump, burnished calf belts, 13/8" wide with brass buckles. In A-black or B-chili, sizes 32–46. Each burnished calf belt, S550...$155. …especially for the season dress to celebrate