Last Minute Gifts for Everyone …stocking stuffer or under the tree Treat Yourself …as well as the ones you love! For more details on items shown, simply type the code of the item into our keyword search box at the top of our website, Fox Tartan Umbrellas, FXTU…$225. Ladies red leather tote bag, BSRT…$455. Christmas tree socks, CCTS…$45. Snowman socks, CSMS…$45. Copyright © 2024 The Ben Silver Corporation Traditional Black Watch tartan wool trousers and lofty Scottish cashmere crewneck sweaters in either C-hunter green or D-marine blue. Each sweater HW123…$595. Each pair of trousers, forward pleat, HBWF, or plain front, HBWP…$295. Ladies unlined deerskin gloves, D08…$135. Unlined pecary skin gloves, MU72…$295. English printed Aztec design silk scarf, RKS33-A…$365. Borsalino fur felt hat, BFH…$465. Above: Classic tartan pattern pure cashmere scarves, made in Scotland, measure 70" long and 10.25" wide. From left to right: JESG, Black Watch; JESF, Royal Stewart; JESD, Dress Gordon; JESH, Dress Hessian Stewart; JESM, MacKenzie, JESB, Black Stewart. Each scarf…$225.