On the cover: Bob is, of course, wearing his iconic demi-blond frames, our exclusive from Lafont of Paris, and he also wears our handsome sport coat from cloth woven by Robert Noble of Scotland, in a sage and cream glen plaid with a fire overcheck in wool, silk and cashmere. See page 6 for details. Lily wears her heart on her collar! Above: Timeless in every season, our cashmere crewneck plain weave sweaters are the perfect example of clothing that transitions from one season to another. Weekend days now, cool evenings later through the summer, these handsome cashmere sweaters, knitted for us exclusively in Scotland, will be ready at hand. Shown top to bottom: B-butter; C-sea green; D-violet; A-sky blue. In sizes M–XXL. See page 66 for details. Welcome to Ben Silver! Classic style has always been our business We ship by FedEx, so that in-stock orders should arrive within 2-3 business days of shipment. However, currently all carriers are experiencing delays, which we cannot control at our end.Thank you for your patience. Order Total Shipping Charge $ 0- $ 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.95 $ 26- $ 99. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.95 $ 100- $ 250. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16.50 $ 251+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19.50 - Bob and Sue Prenner Copyright © 2024 The Ben Silver Corporation Spring is finally here! We think our selection of clothing this season is particularly appealing, and, as always, of the highest quality and craftsmanship. We offer handsome tailored jackets that can easily be enjoyed with a dress shirt and fine necktie; or paired more casually with a sweater and an open collared shirt. Of course, there are also weekend clothes that can be enjoyed every day. As usual, wonderful, yet subtle, color, as well as uncompromising quality, timeless style and exceptional value, is the mark of our collection of balanced, proportioned and comfortable clothing. As a true “mom and pop” business for 40 years (yes, that’s us below), we pride ourselves on our experienced, knowledgeable and caring service—the proud product of a dedicated and courteous staff. Service like ours is a rarity today, when so many companies have downsized their staff, leaving retail sales, customer service and product knowledge on the “cutting room floor”. We look forward to your visiting us in Charleston, to be with us in our elegant old world shop, which remains a mecca of tasteful and timeless apparel and accessories for those who come here. Charleston continues to be ranked #1 to visit by Travel + Leisure Magazine. We look forward to seeing you, but until then, turn the page to discover the best of sophisticated and classic style, and visit us online for our full collection. Welcome to Ben Silver, where classic style has always been, and continues to be, our business.